Monday 5 September 2016

Plan for our Pleriminary task

Here is the brief that was given to us for our preliminary task:
For the preliminary activity you will be working in groups of three or four.

You will be producing a moving image product for a short narrative within a genre of the following:   
·         western gunfight 
·         horror chase
·         romantic encounter
·         gangster deal
The product must be no longer than 60 seconds and the work should be planned and divided between the group.  All members must develop their practical skills in the use of the camera, tripod, editing and sound.  Each member of the group will produce their own edit.

The project must include;
·         a shotlist
·         a storyboard
·         a script
·         2 characters
·         use of all of the camera shots/ angles and movements listed below
·         dialogue 
·         titles
·         a soundtrack
·         mise-en-scene
·         a final product
Shots that you must include:

1.Establishing shot
2. Long shot
3. Medium shot
4. Close-up
5. Extreme close-up
6. Low angle shot
7. High angle shot
8. Medium close-up
9. Tracking shot
10.Over the shoulder shot
11.Point of view shot

You can use other shots too and you can use the above more than once if you wish.
Look at the examples below to get ideas.

You will have to complete this work before you leave for the summer.  This will mean using a lot of independent study time.  You must get used to this as this will be the expectation throughout this coursework project.'
Our initial ideas: 

Me and Beth, who I will be working with throughout my A2 project, have come up with some ideas for our preliminary task. We have chosen a 'horror chase' from the list of possible genres above. We chose this as I immediately came up with a good location to use and that choosing a horror will be a good way to learn how to properly use iMovie. We have planned that I will play a ghost/spirit character, and Beth will play the victim. There will be religious connotations to the trailer and this will be shown through our location.


For the location, I have thought of using the local church near my house, there is also a long alleyway that could be used to our advantage in the horror chase. The location is good because it is near us and is quiet during the week so there will be no problem when it comes to filming. It also helps us portray the horror aspect of the trailer.


We thought that I could be the villain/spirit, due to my dark hair and clothes and that Beth will be the stereotypical 'damsel in distress' type character that I will be chasing. Having only two characters keeps the plot simple and easy to follow for the short amount of time that we have.

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