Saturday 5 November 2016

Shot Types

Film title
Use of the MPAA audience green screen 
Institutional details with logos of production and distribution companies
The use of inter-titles to create meaning
Certification/ age classification details
Release date
Actors' names
Short takes (no shots more than 3 or 4 seconds)
Quick paced edits composed of varied shot sequences 
Introduction to the main characters
Variety of mise-en-scene
Editing to the pace & tempo of the music
A variety of shot sizes/ types, angles and movements.  This maintains visual interest and avoids repetition of the traditional default of a mid-shot
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound, including dialogue, soundtrack/ score and voiceovers
Drama, suspense, action and use of key movie scenes to build interest for an audience
The turn line. That moment in a trailer where the music drops out for a single line of dialogue. This creates a dramatic moment of emphasis for an audience.
The rise.  The big dramatic crescendo that builds to the climax of the trailer.
Hits.  The pounding dramatic drum booms that are evident in so many trailers and contribute to the sense of drama.
The button.  The jump scare or the joke, (dependant upon genre) that comes directly after the main title reveal.

Shot list:

  • Shot 1: Establishing shot of Lunas bedroom in the morning; pan of her bedroom (music begins shortly thereafter)
  • Shot 2: Close up of luna brushing her teeth
  • Shot 3: Her walking downstairs, rushing to get out of the door
  • Shot 4: long shot of Tessa walking down the corridor toward the camera
  • 5:  panning shot to the other side of the corridor, inter titles of the institution name over a freeze frame of this long shot (ethereal productions) and the film distribution 
  • 6: panning shot of the empty media classroom.
  • 7: medium-long tracking shot of Luna entering the classroom. Freeze-frame on her as an inter title of characters name appears over the top.
  • 8: quick pan to Tessa who then enters the classroom as well. Freeze-frame on her as well as another inter title appears of Tessa's name over the top of the shot.
  • 9: dialogue from Tessa 'so are you here for the documentary competition?' -PAUSE
  • 10:a medium/long shot of the two characters standing looking at each other, with a blank expression (1 second) CUT
  • a close up shot of the two characters, looking blankly at each other. (1 second) 
  • a close up of the door bursting through again (1/2 second) CUT
  • a medium shot of the teacher walking back through the classroom with dialogue: "Oh by the way, you can't submit the work unless your in a group minimum of 2 people." (4 seconds) CUT
  • a curved zoom onto the piece of paper with the poster next to it, giving instructions to the competition, Tessa's hand reaches into the shot to pick up the piece of paper (2 seconds) CONTINUITY EDITING
  •  a close up shot of the two characters looking into each other, looking slightly awkward. (1-2 seconds) CONTINUITY EDITING
  • Sa long shot of the two characters walking through the corridor (2 seconds) CONTINUITY EDITING
  • a close up shot of Luna saying to Tessa "I guess it looks like it's just us then..." Tessa gives a half smile to Luna (3 seconds) BLACKOUT
  • Title page of the title of the film - (4 seconds) BLACKOUT / FADE IN
  • Long shot of the two main characters walking through the park (1 second)  CUT
  • Hand held shot/medium shot of the two characters walking and taking "I don't see you much around school, what do you do?" "I don't talk to many people" FADE OUT
  • VOICEOVER TESSA "Have you ever been so oblivious to some of the people who make you happy?" CUT
  • THE RISE: MONTAGE of Luna and Tessa starting to video their documentary (half a second) CUT
  • MONTAGE of Tessa pretending to model for Luna to video, lighthearted funny scene (half a second)  CUT
  • MONTAGE of the two characters pointing to parts of the city centre, deciding where to film (half a second)  CUT
  • Hand held shot of the characters running up the canal, joking and laughing (2 seconds) CUT 
  • MONTAGE/INTERTITLE of them videoing animals and ducks at the parks (half a second)  CUT
  • MONTAGE/INTERTITLE of Luna joking about, showing a change in her character (1 second)  CUT
  • MONTAGE of Tessa hiding behind a tree, playing peek-a-bo (1 second FADE
  • VOICEOVER TESSA: "And then they disappoint you?" FADE IN
  • THE TURN LINE. Close up shot of the door opening to see jamie standing at the door. CUT
  • Close up to the side angle of Tessa. "Who are you?"
  • Close up of Jamie, chewing gum "I'm Jamie, who the hell are you?" FADE
  • MONTAGE/FOLLOWING THE 180 DEGREE RULE of Tessa arguing with Luna, side angle mid close up shot CONTINUITY EDITING
  • MONTAGE/FOLLOWING THE 180 DEGREE RULE of the two main characters arguing, side angle mid shot of the two characters in shot CONTINUITY EDITING
  • MONTAGE/FOLLOWING THE 180 DEGREE RULE close up shot, side angle of Luna arguing back, trying to get in Tessa's face CONTINUITY EDITING
  • Close up shot of Tessa: "I thought you were becoming a better person."
  • Hand held shot of Luna looking back at Tessa. Luna: "Well atleast my old friends don't try and change me like i'm completely incapable in life"
  • long shot of Luna walking away out of the cafe, able to see the extras looking at Tessa (2 seconds) FADE
  • INTERTITLE - Are old friends worth losing new friends?
  • PANNING SHOT/EXTREME CLOSE UP of Luna looking at the camera, following it from side to side CUT 
  • PANNING SHOT/EXTREME CLOSE UP of Tessa looking at the camera, following it from side to side, then looking down CUT
  • a long shot of the side of the playground, Tessa is visibly looking upset, as she is sitting on her own eating lunch. (1 second) CUT
  • a close up low angle shot of Tessa's old friends walking past and ignoring her (1 second) CUT

  • a long shot back to the other side of the playground, watching Tessas head fall back to the floor. (1 second) CUT

  • a close up shot of Luna on the side of the playground looking at Tessa, with a sad expression on her face (1 second) CUT
  • a long shot/crab shot of Luna in her room, looking at her computer screen (1 second) CUT
  • a close up shot of Luna's laptop screen, looking at her old videos with Tessa. (2 seconds) CUT
  • a close up of Luna's sad expression on her face (1 second) CUT
  • a close up of the side of Luna's laptop, the poster pulled out to the side of her computer. (1 second) FADE
  • an establishing shot/long shot of the corridoor, Tessa passing in the crowd (1 second) CUT
  • a close up of Luna's face looking down (1 second) CUT
  • a close up, high angle shot of Luna taking out the envelope out of her bag, addressed to the BFI (1 second) CUT
  • a close up of Luna looking back up (1 second) CUT
  • VOICEOVER TESSA: " Then I guess sometimes they can suprise you, and thats what friends are for" 
  • An Establishing shot of Luna over the road from the camera, by a postbox. (2 seconds) CONTINUITY EDITING
  • a close up of her looking at the envelope. (1 second) CONTINUITY EDITING
  •  a close up of the envelope, to be able to see the address (2 seconds) CONTINUITY EDITING
  • a close up to the side of Luna, she takes a deep breath and pushes the envelope into the postbox. (1 second) BLACKOUT
  • FADE IN/INTERTITLE, the title Happening Upon Luna shows up, zooms in CUT
  • INTERTITLE of the production credits
  • INTERTITLE saying 'coming soon'

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