Friday 27 January 2017

Movie magazine masthead design

Here are some pre existing movie magazine mastheads that I have researched before I go on to create my own masthead designs. Conventions of these mastheads are:

  • Bold, large font
  • One word titles
  • Words to do with film or the film industry
  • Red colour schemes or the colour red featuring somewhere on the title
  • On three of the covers, the title covers the main image in the background, although one incorporates the person in the foreground.

Here I have created a few examples of a magazine masthead on sketch. These are just a basis before I get some peer feedback as to which one is the best style, and should be used on my magazine cover. I chose the word 'feature' to fit with the conventions of the above mastheads. Feature is a word for a film at length, so  it fits perfectly with the magazine content.

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