Thursday 27 April 2017

Final Movie Magazine Draft

Here is my final draft for the movie magazine. After receiving feedback from different people withing the target age, I went back and improved my magazine cover depending on what was requested by the audience. I changed the coverline fonts, the positioning of the text and added a quote at the bottom which gives the design validity.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Designing Inter-titles

 Here is how I created my inter-titles that feature at the end of my trailer. I wanted to make them look professional, so I looked at what font style was used in pre-existing movie posters and trailers. I gathered that the font used is a tall slim font, typed in capitals. Also a feature I noticed was that the names of the people in the inter-title paragraph were notably bigger that the rest of the text. With this information I went onto and found a font called 'Steelfish' that, when typed in capitals, mimics the look of the font on real movie posters.

I then downloaded 'Steelfish' onto my computer so that I could type out my inter-title on sketch to then be put onto my film trailer.
Once Steelfish downloaded, it then had to be installed onto the computer which was done easily my double-clicking the 'Steelfish' link and then clicking install on the top left of the pop-up.

Now that I had Steelfish installed, I went onto sketch and created a black rectangle that fit the size of the trailer. Then I wrote my inter-titles, making sure to make the names bigger that the rest of the text. I included the production company name and the names of the cast and crew.

Before adding it to my trailer, I asked some of my peers if there was anything that could be done to improve the look of my inter-titles, and two people said that it may look better if had added the release date to the slide, as it is more informative to the audience watching. I went back onto sketch and made the improvement and it overall does look better now. It is now ready to be added to the trailer.

Another inter-title that I created was for the beginning of my trailer, and it it the logo of the production company that I created. I also made this inter-title on sketch, which was then saved and added into imovie as a jpeg. Including the production company logo is something that I decided to do as it follows the conventions of the film trailers that I had seen that fit my chosen genre.

Another aspect of inter-titles that I included were stills of each character and their name to help the audience understand who is who. To make these I took still shots from footage within the trailer and uploaded the photos to sketch. Then I added the name of the character in the same font as the rest of the trailer and print products to show continuity. I then saved the images as a jpeg and uploaded them back into iMovie, placing them where I wanted the characters names to pop up. I chose to do these inter-titles like this as from my research I found that numerous indie/coming of age dramas include this feature. I used different colours on each inter-title, using light colours for Luna and Tessa, and a red colour for Jamie, showing connotations of badness and evil.

Audience feedback on magazine draft

After creating the first draft of the movie magazine product, I asked different people who fit in my target audience for the film product itself, whether or not they had any improvements or suggestions that could be made to the cover. I sent out the cover and asked for any improvements and received some good feedback, that I will be taking forward to now go back and further improve my magazine cover.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Movie Magazine Draft 1

here is the first draft of my movie magazine. I used a range of magazine concepts within, so that it would fit the conventions of a professional movie magazine. The magazine is titled 'feature' which links to 'feature film,' and I used different examples of real products to help not only the magazine look more professional, but also my film product itself. I am now going to get audience feedback on this first draft and make further improvements to the cover.

I already made

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Movie Billboard Drafts

Here are my to billboard drafts that I created on Sketch. both follow the same theme but feature the different main characters within. I am now going to get audience feedback on which on I should take forward, and whether or not certain things can be improved on the chosen one.

Second Draft

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Photos #1 for print products

For the print products aspect of the project, I have started to take a range of pictures of the three main characters for the poster and magazine cover. I will use these pictures for the print products that I will be designing to advertise Happening Upon Luna. In the future more pictures will be taken of Luna and Tessa together, and some individual shots of each character.

Friday 27 January 2017

Movie magazine masthead design

Here are some pre existing movie magazine mastheads that I have researched before I go on to create my own masthead designs. Conventions of these mastheads are:

  • Bold, large font
  • One word titles
  • Words to do with film or the film industry
  • Red colour schemes or the colour red featuring somewhere on the title
  • On three of the covers, the title covers the main image in the background, although one incorporates the person in the foreground.

Here I have created a few examples of a magazine masthead on sketch. These are just a basis before I get some peer feedback as to which one is the best style, and should be used on my magazine cover. I chose the word 'feature' to fit with the conventions of the above mastheads. Feature is a word for a film at length, so  it fits perfectly with the magazine content.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Film magazine research

Here I have analysed the cover of a popular film magazine to find the conventions. I have also looked and inserted covers from other types of movie magazine, ranging from popular to more indie. This is a good reference point for when I begin to design and create movie magazine covers featuring Happening Upon Luna

Image result for film magazine covers

Image result for indie movie magazine covers

Image result for film magazine covers

Here are some billboard examples that I have also collected so that I can get an understanding of the format of the poster style.

Image result for movie billboard posters

Image result for movie billboard posters

Image result for movie billboard posters

Features of the billboard are:

  • Simple main image, of either the main character of a featuring character
  • Less writing than on the official poster
  • Bold title, which is the main feature on the poster, so that it can be seen from far away.
  • 'Taken' features a tagline
  • Consistantb colour scheme

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Film Poster ideas

For one of the shots in out trailer, Luna sees a poster for the film competition that both her and Tessa are entering. This poster is important as it gives the audience the first impression on what the film is about. Using Canva, I have designed two film posters that can be used in the scene. Canva is a new technology that I have discovered that allows you to create simple and professional looking posters or presentations with ease.

After some deliberation, I have decided to choose the first design that I created in my shot. This is because it is easier to read and the picture of the camera will help easily indicate that it is a filming competition. I also asked my peers for some feedback on which one they preferred and all 3 agreed with my choice to go with the first design. I will now print this out in preparation for filming.

Practice photos before filming

Before we being filming tomorrow, we decided to take some simple shots so that we have a basic understanding of some long shots and close ups before we start filming. This was also helpful as of our shots are actually going to be filmed in these school corridors, so now we have an idea on what what parts of the school we might shoot in.