Friday 15 July 2016

Camera and Tripod research

Before I go ahead and start filming the introductory task, I have done some research on the camera and tripod I will be using to film it with This is also the same camera and tripod I will be using to film my preliminary task, so it is important for me to have a good understanding of the products before starting to ensure I can produce a good media product.

Features of the camera include:

  • Lens cap, which acts as protection from dust, fingerprints, scratches and damage when the camera is not in use.
  • strap to put your hand through when filming hand held shots / disorientated shots so that the camera is always secure and safe from being dropped.
  • Flipable touch screen. The camera is very easy to navigate due to the touch screen, everything can e accessed through simply pressing the options you want on screen, when filmig in small groups or even solo shots with the camera, the screen can be flipped to face the front. This helps with things like making sure you/other characters and still in shot in a scene, or just for generally seeing what you are filming without having to go around the back of the camera.
  • Zoom, this is a good feature as a good fim/film trailer uses different shot types and a close up shot is a very effective one for portraying emotion. With the zoom on the camera, it is easy to create close up shots without actually having to go close to the subject itself.

Features of the tripod are:

  • Adjustable legs. These help to easily place the tripod at the exact height you wish, and they are very sturdy which creates a safe platform for the camera to rest upon,
  • The pan-handle is the handle on the top left hand side of the tripod. This allows for horizontal and vertical movement in the camera.
  • The platen is the actual part that hold the camera in place. This part is important as if it is loose or insecure, there is the risk of wobbly shots or even the camera falling off.
  • Crank of the tripod is used to adjust the height of the tripod o the top half of the tripod.

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